A whole protection with Libra Esva URL sandbox

Finally a complete protection for our customers who want to defend their system from malicious email URLs!

Libraesva has released a new important feature, the UrlSandBox, an active defence against the worst spear-phishing attacks, zero-day exploits and ransomwares!


How does it work?

Our solution re-writes every link in every email and points it to Libra Esva cloud sandbox for the content analysis: if it is a good URL, you will be redirect to the original site; if it is dangerous, the sandbox will block the page, alerting you about the risks.

But the real new point is that Libra Esva SandBox continually works, analyzing the dangerous link, even those already categorized as ‘good’, before to reaching the target site.


What are you waiting for?

Our Sandbox is available for all customers and it is included in every standard subscription, it is compatible with every operating stystem, without extra costs!