Libra Esva shortlisted as Finalist for the SC Magazine Awards 2016 Europe

Libraesva Srl selected as Excellence Award: Threat Solutions Finalist for the SC Magazine Awards 2016 Europe

Lecco, 24 March 2016Libraesva Srl, has been named a finalist in the SC Awards 2016 Europe for outstanding threat solution products in information security. Libra Esva is recognised in the Best Email Security Solution category, which acknowledges superior products and services that help customers address the most pressing cyber-security threats. The winners will be announced at the SC Magazine Awards Europe ceremony to be held in London on Tuesday 7th June at a stunning new venue on the Riverside of the Thames, Old Billingsgate.

“Data breaches that compromise people’s data and tarnish company reputations are causing mounting headlines across the globe. This is why it is more important than ever to recognise Europe’s vast army defenders that stand out as exemplars of excellence, working largely unseen to protect our data.”

The SC Magazine Awards Europe, are the information security industry’s most prominent recognition. Winners in the Threat Solution categories are decided by an expert panel of judges, hand-picked by SC Magazine UK’s editorial team for their breadth of knowledge and experience in the information security industry. The awards honour both the cyber-security professionals working in the trenches, and the products and services that help protect today’s corporate world from a myriad of ever-changing threats.

Libraesva Srl’s solution represents some of the most innovative and effective security technology on the market today,” said Tony Morbin, Editor in chief SC Magazine UK. “As attackers develop and practice new approaches to compromising sensitive information, companies are challenged to keep pace. Libra Esva was named an SC Award finalist for its efforts to raise the bar for the security industry.”

Winners of this year’s SC Magazine Awards Europe will be announced at a gala dinner and award ceremony on Tuesday 7th June at their new home, Old Billingsgate in central London. This is one of the most anticipated IT security events of the year and promises a great celebration as well as invaluable networking opportunities with some of the top corporate IT professionals in the country. To attend the awards, please visit for more information. Tickets can be purchased at an ‘Early Bird’ rate until midnight on Thursday 14th April.

Libra Esva Demonstrated a Spam Catch Rate of 99.99%

Latest Jan 2016 test for spam blocking saw Libra Esva register an incredible catch rate of 99.99%, with no false positives! The consistent results and superior spam-blocking also saw the company receive another VBSpam+ award for exceptional performance. This earned the company a position in the Top 4 anti-spam products under test.

The Virus Bulletin anti-spam software tests are widely regarded to include some of the email security industry’s most rigorous tests, and the results are trusted by industry professionals and users alike.

CEO of Libraesva Eng.Paolo Frizzi said:

“I am proud of the high ranking our product continues to demonstrate since the first test partecipation, back in 2010! An anti-spam solution must be effective, as any spam emails that get past the filter could potentially result in a phishing or ransomware email being delivered to an employee. The high catch rate achieved by Libra Esva shows the quality of the product, and the zero false positives leverages this result even more!”


Libraesva VBSpam: The Italian Antispam solution beats the giants again

Libra ESVA reaches the highest scores in September
Virus Bulletin Spam comparative tests

Milan, November 2015 – Libraesva announces that Libra ESVA – email security solution has won the 13th VBSpam+ award recognized by Virus Bulletin, the leading security industry test. In the last test in September Libraesva has completed all tests with highest final score. The test, as usual, is consisted in a massive delivery of e-mail (139.292 total, 129.208 spam) with Libra ESVA reaching zero false positives.

In a world where spear-phishing is a serious problem for many organizations and spam is the back-ground noise of the Internet, it is important for administrators and for millions of users to work in environments protected from cyber-attacks.

Among the many anti-spam solutions that help to mitigate the problem of spam at the network level, VBSpam 2015 September test analyzed 13 full solutions; they all reached the required standard to earn a VBSpam award, and five of them achieved a VBSpam+ award.


Libraesva, the Italian leading developer and provider of advanced e-mail security solutions, is among the best five to achieve the VBSpam+ award thanks to its gateway ESVA – Email Security Virtual Appliance. Developed since 2005, ESVA gives enterprise companies a valid solution to protect their inbound and outbound communications at a constant 99,98% spam-catch rate and with zero false positives. A technical plus that came to light again in this latest VB comparative test, where the ESVA solution showed the highest results in spam-catch rate ability, speed delivery and false positives.


According to Virus Bulletin:

“Libra Esva will no doubt be pleased that we can show that the product doesn’t hold onto emails to improve its performance: at least 98% of them were returned within 30 seconds. And when the emails did return, the product was almost always correct in its classification: only 24 spam emails were missed and no legitimate emails were misclassified. This resulted in a clean sheet, the highest final score of all products, and another VBSpam+ award for the product’s developers in Italy”.


Paolo Frizzi, CEO and Founder of Libraesva said with satisfaction:

“The results of the VBSpam tests confirm the quality of our solutions in blocking the spam in enterprise networks. It is an important recognition that brings to light how fundamental it is for companies to adopt a trustful solution to ensure the security of e-mails and communications”.

For more information on the VBSpam test methodology:

Libraesva: winner at the 2015 Computing Security Awards

IMG_1873Libraesva won for the second consecutive year at the Computing Security Awards in London the award for ‘Antispam Solution of the Year‘ with the ESVA solution – Email Security Virtual Appliance.

The Italian company, a leading developer and provider of advanced e-mail security solutions, gives the announcement the day after the awards ceremony, which took place Thursday, October 8 in London. On this occasion, Libraesva was also awarded a certificate of merit winning the first place in the category ‘Security Project of the Year – Private Sector – General‘ for the project of communications security of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology (IMarEST), primary English Institute of research and training for the marine sector.

The contest ‘made in the UK’ has awarded the effectiveness of the email content gateway ESVA among the many data security solutions for its ability to protect and analyze the digital information contained in corporate networks. According to the organizers of the contest, ESVA has stood for excellence and strength in its ability to reduce the incidence of cyber-attacks in enterprise communications and for its flexible adoption and integration in professional contexts of various kinds.

Paolo Frizzi, CEO and Founder of Libraesva attended in person to the proclamation event and said:

“This second participation to the English Awards saw us competing in multiple categories – Anti Spam Solution of the Year, Security Project of the Year (Private) and Editors Choice solution. To win the first two is an important recognition of the work done this year with our technology, which serves since the beginning companies of various sizes.”

Frizzi expressed the pride for the direction taken from a strategic point of view with the internationalization project for Libraesva; though aware that there is still much to do to defend domestic and foreign companies from cyber-attacks.

“The market requires a real help in the enterprise data protection and in the enhancement of the ‘healthy’ one. ESVA blocks viruses and spam with a 99.98% catch-rate allowing the user’s inbox to host exclusively communications of real interest and utility”

he explained.

These prestigious awards will foster Libraesva in its expansion into foreign markets. In the UK in particular, it will facilitate the work of ISDG – Innovation Software Distribution Group, a British company that recently signed the agreement for distributing ESVA technology.

“We intend to continue to provide companies with our advanced technology solutions, sure of the reliability of our partnership in the field of information security and to invest in research and development, our primary investment asset”

said the manager in conclusion.

Libraesva accordo con Bludis

Bludis e Libraesva annunciano la sigla dell’accordo di distribuzione per l’Italia della tecnologia ESVA


Il VAD romano diventa distributore ufficiale delle innovative soluzioni di email security ESVA del brand italiano.


Roma e Lecco, XX ottobre 2015Bludis, distributore a valore aggiunto presente da oltre 14 anni nel mercato italiano dell’Information and Communication Technology, e l’azienda leader nello sviluppo e nella fornitura di soluzioni avanzate di email security Libraesva annunciano la sigla dell’accordo di distribuzione per il mercato italiano della gamma di soluzioni ESVA sviluppate per la sicurezza delle comunicazioni email di fascia enterprise.

Le aziende creano oggi una grande quantità di comunicazioni che vengono scambiate in prevalenza su dispositivi desktop e mobile. L’email content gateway ESVA – Email Security Virtual Appliance, soluzione top di gamma della società lecchese Libraesva, garantisce protezione e controllo totale sulla rete aziendale e sul mobile, andando incontro alle esigenze di sicurezza di aziende e ISP di fascia alta.

Abbiamo scelto Libraesva perché offre soluzioni tecnologiche avanzate capaci di proteggere i nostri clienti enterprise dalle minacce che in misura crescente minano la sicurezza informatica” commenta Marco Finocchi, Business Unit Manager Security, Education & Communication di Bludis. “Questo accordo per noi è molto importante perché proponiamo al mercato italiano un brand nazionale che per la sua tecnologia ha ricevuto prestigiosi riconoscimenti. La soluzione di Libraesva è stata appositamente pensata e implementata per intercettare in maniera efficace casi di spam e phishing indirizzati in maniera specifica al nostro paese e in più di un’occasione si sono dimostrati all’altezza del loro compito sventrando attacchi a note compagnie italiane”. Finocchi conclude dichiarando “In quanto distributore a valore aggiunto cerchiamo soluzioni come questa, capaci di portare al mercato un serio vantaggio competitivo, ma per raggiungere questo scopo abbiamo sempre bisogno di lavorare con partner di canale che sposino la nostra filosofia: ecco perché investiamo costantemente nella formazione attraverso i nostri training center mettendo a loro disposizione conoscenza e certificazioni a tutti coloro che vogliono affiancarci”.

Sviluppata per la protezione della posta elettronica laddove l’alta affidabilità e ridondanza sono requisiti essenziali, ESVA è un prodotto scalabile, capace di offrire una grande protezione contro spam, virus malware, phishing, Trojan e altri contenuti indesiderati. Una soluzione che è sinonimo di vantaggio competitivo e che grazie a Bludis sarà da oggi a disposizione di quanti desiderano avere il pieno controllo sulla sicurezza delle proprie comunicazioni aziendali.

“Siamo entusiasti di avvalerci del know-how e dell’elevato livello di servizio di Bludis nella distribuzione di soluzioni IT“, dichiara Maurizio Caltabiano, Sales Director di Libraesva. “Questo accordo ci dà la tranquillità per poterci dedicare allo sviluppo della strategia di internazionalizzazione intrapresa nel 2014. Cercavamo un partner forte e con una capacità distributiva sul mercato nazionale e in particolare nel Centro Sud Italia, a cui affidare le nostre soluzioni. Lo abbiamo trovato in Bludis che si dedica da anni a fornire qualità e competenza ai suoi clienti e che per questo si è dimostrato per noi il Partner ideale con cui collaborare“.




Libraesva ( è la società leader nella fornitura di soluzioni avanzate di email security. Nata come spin-off dalla struttura di sviluppo software di Libra, Libraesva si pone oggi come uno dei più importanti brand nel mondo della security, con una vastissima base installata. La soluzione email content gateway ESVA – Email Security Virtual Appliance, sviluppata a partire dal 2005, è stata riconosciuta dal prestigioso Virus Bulletin come uno dei migliori ed efficaci sistemi di protezione e analisi dei contenuti della posta elettronica. Libraesva conta anche sulle partnership tecnologiche con BitDefender e AVIRA. In Italia le soluzioni Libraesva sono distribuite da Arrow ECS, Bludis e Ready Informatica.



Bludis ( è una realtà nel campo della distribuzione di prodotti informatici che opera sul mercato Italiano da 14 anni. I software distribuiti, vengono scelti in base al rispetto di elevati standard qualitativi e offrono la possibilità di sviluppare soluzioni personalizzate.

Nella filosofia di Bludis il rapporto con i rivenditori riveste un ruolo fondamentale ed è per questo che la società affianca alla semplice attività di distribuzione la propria competenza tecnica e l’offerta di un’articolata gamma di servizi a valore aggiunto.

Bludis si propone di fornire soluzioni complete intorno alle seguenti aree tematiche di riferimento: Communication, IT Management, Security, Education, Cloud (hosted Services per MSP).

Bitdefender OEM & Libraesva: Allies in the Fight against Email Security Threats

Libraesva partnering with Bitdefender to ensure iron-clad protection for their enterprise clients.

A solid alliance for iron-clad email security

To combat the evolving complexity of email threats, Italy’s leading provider of advanced email security solutions, Libraesva, was keen to provide its enterprise customers with iron-clad email protection.

As the company’s main focus is to constantly improve detection rates and reduce false positives, its engineers wanted to integrate an industry leading antimalware engine into their innovative email security solutions. But aside from proven efficiency and top performance, they were also looking for smooth integration and compatibility with their architecture. And they found exactly what they needed in Bitdefender’s OEM solutions and services.


During the scanning process, the email content gateway ESVA analyzes each incoming message and file, identifies the type and then applies the relevant technique to ensure highest throughput and efficacy. ESVA’s protection assures over 99,98% Spam Catch rate and zero false positives. With the successful integration of Bitdefender’s SDK, Libraesva’s cutting-edge antispam technology now incorporates the world’s most effective antimalware engine. This security alliance will facilitate the acquisition of new enterprise clients (+15%) on the top of the existing customer database served by Libraesva and ensures consistency with its track record of quality and success [1].

We found in Bitdefender a solid technology Partner. With the highest performance virus scanning in the industry, Bitdefender’s antivirus technology showed to be the best choice to become a fully integrated layer of virus protection on our ESVA – email security appliances,” said Paolo Frizzi, CEO & Founder of Libraesva.


Be sure to check out Libra ESVA, for examples of email security solutions using the Bitdefender antimaware technology. And contact us for more information on what security technologies you can integrate into yourproducts – most importantly, why you should do it! 

[1] Note: The security industry analysis firms AV-TEST and AV-Comparatives awarded Bitdefender’s as Product of the Year and gave it the Gold Award for Proactive Malware Protection; the prestigious Virus Bulletin on the other side recognized Libraesva’s solution as one of the best and effective systems of protection and analysis of email content. In 2014, the Italian ESVA won the ‘Best Antispam Solution of the Year’ award at the Computing Security Awards in London. The both thus confirming their position as some of the most powerful and accurate spam and malware protection products available.

Libra Esva continues its international growth

LIBRAESVA continues its international growth


Awards and professional recognitions

for one of the best email content gateways for enterprise in the world.


Meet up at InfoSecurity Europe | 02-04 June 2015 – Olympia, London


Milan, May 2015Libraesva, a leading developer and provider of advanced email security solutions, continues its internationalization project investing to extend the network of distributors to meet the security needs of the addressed enterprise market.


The company from Lecco (Italy) continues at full speed on its path of growth in Italy and in the EMEA and APAC markets with its email content gateway solution ESVA – Email Security Virtual Appliance, the protection system for e-mail that has the ability to block spam (99.98%) with almost no false positives.


Awarded “Antispam Solution of the Year 2014” at the Computing Security Awards in London in October 2014, and winner of the eighth consecutive award for quality in comparative tests by the prestigious British magazine Virus Bulletin, Libraesva consolidates every year the effectiveness of its solutions by investing in R&D and dedicated services. By virtue of these results and of the expertise acquired in almost twenty years of activity, it has established a loyal customer base that keeps on expanding year after year.


Paolo Frizzi, CEO&Founder of Libraesva says: “Growing together with our customers by offering advanced and valuable solutions for email security is our mission. We carry out with increasing motivation by virtue of the goodness of the focused choices made in recent years, along with the quality of our products recognized by the international markets also.”

Today, Libraesva is present in Italy, where has its headquarters, and distributes in Austria, Germany, Russia and Switzerland via the German SINUUM. He also assets distribution partnership in India, Turkey and North America. Among the most important brands in the world of email security for companies against cyber threats, Libraesva will meet partners and international customers in occasion of the next edition of InfoSecurity Europe (London, 2-4 June 2015 – Booth G10), and is planning other investments in Italian events this same year.


Frizzi concludes: “We are ready to push more and more widely in Europe and beyond its geographical boundaries, thanks also to collaborations with reliable on-site partners. We will further consolidate our current position on the Italian market, to which we address with a range of dedicated services such as the new ESVA App for iOS and Android and the Outlook Plugin for Spam Management”.


Libraesva will be exhibiting at Infosecurity Europe 2015.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us for one-to-one interviews with Libraesva Management at Stand G-10 on June, 2nd and 3rd

Customer References available at the Stand.


More information in the press release.


Libraesva Press Office – Sangalli M&C

Libra Esva completes its first full dozen VBSpam+ awards

vbspam-plus-0315Libra Esva email security solution has win another VBSpam+ certification from Virus Bulletin, a leading security industry test.
Another goal, another good work for LibraEsva and his special engine.
After many years of testing, with a last Spam Catch Rate of 99,95% and zero false positives, Libra Esva won its 12th VBSpam+ award!.

In the last test in March LibraEsva has completed with second final score. The test, as usual, is consisted in a massive delivery of e-mail (136.904 total, 126.046 spam) and LibraEsva has missed only 68 spam emails and to that only two blocked newsletters, one from United States and one from Belgium.

Martijn Grooten, author of the Virus Bulletin Anti-spam comparative review stated that:

“Libra Esva missed 68 spam emails in this test […] Add to that only two blocked newsletters – one from the US and one from Belgium – and with a second highest final score, Libra Esva completes its first full dozen VBSpam+ awards.”



Good result and good motivation for going ahead in the ranking of this appointment with Virus Bullettin Antispam.

Read the full comparative review here or PDF version.

Highest Score in Libra Esva VBSpam History

vbspam-plus-0115Once again Libra Esva received strong independent endorsement for its highly effective and easy to use spam filtering solution with this its’ best virus bulletin award.
With an incredible Spam Catch Rate of 99,99% and zero false positives, Libra Esva won it’s 11th VBSpam+ award.
This month’s test took place in the middle of the Christmas Holidays and Libra Esva blocked almost 100% of spam over a period that is traditionally a very active time for spammers who launch new spam campaigns over the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Martijn Grooten, author of the Virus Bulletin Anti-spam comparative review stated that

“The virtual solution developed on the shores of Lake Como missed just 13 out of more than 130,000 spam emails. Furthermore, there were no false positives, not even among the newsletters. The product’s 11th VBSpam+ award is thus highly deserved.”


“This test validates the market-leading effectiveness of the Libra Esva email security solution. Simply put we catch more spam than ever since 2010 when we started. These independent test results prove that our hard work is paying off as we see a growing number of new customers moving to Libra Esva from other solutions. This 2015 has started brilliantly!”

said Paolo Frizzi CEO.

Read the full comparative review here.

Anti Spam Solution of the Year!

Anti-Spam-Solution-of-the-YearLibra Esva, has won Antispam Solution of the Year at the 2014 Computing Security Awards.

Libra Esva was the only italian company named finalist at the ceremony, where took part the best security players worldwide.

We are delighted to be recognised ‘Antispam Solution of the Year’. The Computing Security award is fantastic recognition for Libraesva and its email gateway Esva – Email Security Virtual Appliance and demonstrates that quality pays.

says Paolo Frizzi, CEO of the Italian company.

Our core purpose is to ensure our small and enterprise customers have the very best antispam gateway, support and services available while at the same time putting them in control of their security. We will continue in this direction, by doing the right thing for our customers, by working on quality and improving a solution with a daily commitment towards innovation in technology for business security.

The 2014 Computing Security Awards concluded with an awards ceremony on October 9th. The evening ceremony was held at the Hotel Russell in London’s Russell Square.

Also in October yet another VBspam Award! Libra Esva placed second in the latest comparative test by Virus Bulletin.

Martijn Grooten, technical director said:

Libra Esva missed just 37 spam emails. That’s fewer than all but one other solution – and almost all of those 37 emails were ones that other products had diffi culty with too. Apart from these, the product misclassifi ed a single newsletter (an offer from a Thai newspaper), but once again there were no false positives in the ham corpus for the Italian virtual solution.