Libra Esva 2.7 Released

Lecco, June 26th – 2012

Libra Esva has been updated!

New features:

  • Esva rules updates are now hourly
  • ClamAV Antivirus autocheck engine
  • Message Operation Multi Learning functions performace optimization
  • New Antispam Engine Message Score Normalization Feature
  • New feature to complete disable outgoing/incoming signatures


  • Fixed report per domain mailbox
  • Fixed a minor LDAP issue
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect recipient formatting when releasing a message from quarantine report that has more than 50 chars in recipient
  • Fixed SMTP log of SPF failures
  • Fixed inline signature language files when switching from IT to EN
  • When disabling LocalRBL now all previous collected entries are removed (to avoid persistent block even with service disabled!)

VBSpam+: And the winner is..

After the exciting first placed in the January test edition, Libra Esvarepeats vbspam-plus-0312itself by winning the March edition of the prestigious Virus Bullettin comparative test! The outcome would not need of further comments, were not for the fact that Libra Esva was the first and the only product, among the 22 competitors, being awarded the newSPAM+ Award, reserved  to those products that block all but at most one in 200 spam messages (i.e., have a spam catch rate of 99.5% or higher) and at the same time do not block any legitimate email; well Libra Esva filtered out 201.049 emails, missing only 59 spam email (SC of 99,97%!) and blocking none of the now almost 9,000 legitimate emails!

Martijn Grooten, technical director at Virus Bullettin, said:

After achieving the highest final score in the previous test, it seemed like there was little opportunity for Libra Esva to improve. Yet the product did just that: it was the only product in this test to increase its spam catch rate, while once again blocking none of the now almost 9,000 legitimate emails. The product achieved the highest final score and is the first winner of a VBSpam+ award.

Martijn Grooten, technical director at Virus Bullettin, said:

After achieving the highest final score in the previous test, it seemed like there was little opportunity for Libra Esva to improve. Yet the product did just that: it was the only product in this test to increase its spam catch rate, while once again blocking none of the now almost 9,000 legitimate emails. The product achieved the highest final score and is the first winner of a VBSpam+ award.




Eng Paolo Frizzi, CEO of Libra, said:

Libra Esva never fails to amaze us, and being the only solution that have improved performances and have won the new spam+ award is yet another confirmation the technical value of the product.

Libra Esva 2.6 Released

Lecco, January 31st – 2012

Libra Esva has been updated!

New features:

  • Quarantine Digest Report email body now editable
  • Admin can disable user self editing of spam checks and score levels
  • Set multiple users Digest Report Schedule at one time!
  • In a multi-homed domain configuration, it is now possible to exclude one or more domains from Recipent Verification
  • New NTP Time Sync Option
  • Antispam engine enachements
  • Already released messages now removed from Digest Report
  • Released messages are now visually identified with a different color code
  • Quarantine retention period separate settings for disk and database logs
  • Secondary DNS option available via web interface
  • New auto_check scripts to monitor dns and maillog services


  • Security fix: learn as spam link only works if client is on trusted network
  • Valid Recipient list will be deleted if manually adding an existing entry
  • End User WhiteList/Blacklist edit/delete functions now works correctly
  • Database timestamp being modified by some quarantine actions
  • Better LDAP error handling
  • MCP Blocked messages cannot be released (getting blocked again on release)
  • Fixed Export funcitons. No more truncated strings to fit onine view.

VBSpam: Over the Top!

If 2011 began with two awards, the 2012 was even more numero1generous leading Libra Esva to first place overall ranking in the highly respected Virus Bulletin Spam test!

After four second places Libra Esva finally achieved the highest final score in a particular edition of the test for both number of competitors (as many as 22!) and type of spam; this is traditionally a very active time for spammers who launch new spam campaigns over the Christmas and New Year holidays!

The first place has been achieved not only for the exceptional ability to block spam (99,96%), but more importantly the lack of false positives!

Numbers are very impressive: Libra Esva missed only 62 messages out of 152,236 scanned emails with 0 false positives!

VBspam quadrant says it all:


Martin Grooten, author of the Virus Bulletin Anti-spam comparative review stated that:

This month Libra Esva finally managed what it had been so close to so many times before: achieving the highest final score in the test. An excellent spam catch rate was combined with a total lack of false positives (even among newsletters), which means that, along with its 11th VBSpam award, the Italian company should have extra cause for celebration.

This result makes us very proud and shows how hard work and outstanding efforts in improving the product are always rewarded. We have a great technology, easy to use and for the first time the product outperformed all other participants to the test!

Ing.Paolo Frizzi seems to have no doubts about Libra Esva quality and its real performances that leaded Libra Esva over the top!

Libra Esva Sets Records in the VBSpam Challenge

Results from latest Virus Bulletin’s VBSpam Challenge demonstrate that vbspam-0911Libra Esva is the only spam filter solution that has a solid performance in multiple tests over time, with an incredible record having come in second place for the fourth time in the last year!

With a 99.93 final score, Libra Esva outperformed hardware appliances, server applications and competing Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. Martijn Grooten, Technical Director at Virus Bullettin, stated that

Libra Esva’s record (having come in second place for the fourth time) is evidence of just how good a product it is. With no false positives and the fourth highest spam catch rate this month, the Italian product wins its ninth consecutive VBSpam award.

Again as a consequence of this performance Libra Esva earns the much coveted Virus Bulletin award and again receives strong independent endorsement for its highly effective and easy to use spam filtering solution.

Libra Esva Released

Lecco, 15/07/2011

Libra Esva 2.5 has it’s first update!esvapack

Here it comes the new Libra Esva minor release version

BUG Fixes

  • Quarantine shows clean emails even if not stored into quarantine
  • LDAP default MSAD domain not saved.
  • Add to whitelist from message details not working
  • License user count error without Recipient Verification Active
  • Whitelist & blacklist email field lenght too short
  • Alias field lenght too short
  • Import Backlist imports into whitelists
  • Change digest report release address to orinignal message recipient insted of quarantine recipient
  • Color coded messages error (MCP displayed as green)
  • Trusted network change causes impossible future changes to some parameters.


  • Blocked message report now is filtered out for block reason (RBL, SPF, etc)
  • Multiselect extended to WhiteLists/BlackLists

Libra Esva 2.5

LIBRA ESVA 2.5 now available !2_5

Lecco, Italy,  11 June 2011

Its been a year since Libra Esva‘s had its first successful testing  by the Virus Bullettin team, and Libra  is pleased to announce a major new release candidate in  V 2.5 .

The new version includes an enhanced user interface, several new customer  “must have”  features and the ability to personalise the look and feel of the product !

User Interface:

The Libra Esva interface source code has been rewritten using Ajax technology , making operations management simpler and  quicker.

LIBRA ESVA 2.5 now available !

Lecco, Italy,  11 June 2011

Its been a year since Libra Esva‘s had its first successful testing  by the Virus Bullettin team, and Libra  is pleased to announce a major new release candidate in  V 2.5 .

The new version includes an enhanced user interface, several new customer  “must have”  features and the ability to personalise the look and feel of the product !

User Interface:

The Libra Esva interface source code has been rewritten using Ajax technology , making operations management simpler and  quicker.

Enhanced “must have” features :

We now enable filename and file-type attachment management to achieve total control over what is accepted.

We have given the administrator  the ability to override RBL tags and except mail from a known user even if they have been identified in a RBL database.

User authentication has been completely redesigned and now includes native support forNOVELL e-Directory 8.x & Groupwise, with the possibility to create multiple authentication sets with different priorities, for both Microsoft Active Directory and Novell e-Directory domains!
We have also expanded our Quarantine space to 20 Gb!

Customisation capability:

Libra Esva has a new “ white label” branding option that allows you to create your own  “look & feel”  for the appliance including the ability to upload your own logo.

We also have a custom link that will redirect the user by clicking the “Contact Us” menù item !

Libra Esva version 2.5 is available as an update from version 2.0 or as full virtual appliance in Vmware OVF and Citrix XEN XVA formats under Download section of the website.

VBspam Award: One year of Top performances!

Libra Esva has won a seventh consecutive VB Spam award . In the April testing Libra Esva came in an impressive 2nd out of the 19 solutions being independently tested by Virus Bulletin.

VBSpam Test historyvbspam-0511

7 Pass, 0 Fail from May 2010 (0 tests not entered)

Since our initial participation in the testing we have constantly been placed in the top 5 solutions. In fact our latest 2nd place is our third in a  row!

Libra Esva proves once again it’s leadership in this field, outperforming renowned brandsincluding:  Anubis, BitDefender, Eleven, FortiMail, GFI Mail Essentials, Halon Mail Security, Kaspersky, McAfee Email Gateway, McAfee EWS, Sophos, SPAMfighter, SpamTitan, Symantec Messaging Gateway, The Email Laundry, Vade Retro, Vamsoft ORF, and Spamhaus.

You would expect us to tell you how great our product is. But don’t just take our word for it.
We offer you the opportunity to try ESVA for 30 days totally free and fully supported!”

Martijn Grooten, VBSpam technical Director, said: “With zero false positives and a 99.94% spam catch rate, Libra Esva wins its seventh VBSpam with the second highest fi nal score for the third time in a row.


Be part of the Libra Esva UK Launch!


QBS Software and Libra Srl are excited to announce the Libra ESVA UK Launch on the 20th and 21st of April 2011. Libra ESVA – Email Security Virtual Appliance, is an e-mail security system, optimised by security engineers from Libra Srl. Libra ESVA specialises in Antispam, Antivirus and Email Scanning solutions and is brand new on the UK market!

Join us at the Ibis Hotel (a short walk from Earls Court Exhibition centre) to be part of this exclusive product launch. Two sessions will be held at 1pm to 2pm on the 20th and 21st of April, and guests will receive light refreshments as well as a free 60 day trial of Libra ESVA. Please contact Kirsten on 020 8733 7138 or by email to register for the event or for more information.